Ajax Sportsplex
1803-1843 Audley Road
Ajax, ON L1Z 1V6
South East corner of Taunton Road (also known as "Audley Sports Park")
6 Diamonds (SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5, SP6)
Cedar Park
1 Cedar Street
Ajax, ON L1S 1T9
just North of 401, East of Harwood Ave. South
3 Diamonds
Forest Ridge Park
Todd Road
Ajax, ON L1T 4C4
North Side, South of Delaney, West of Church Street
1 Diamond
Lakeside Park
65 Harwood Ave. South
Ajax, ON L1S 2H9
1 Diamond
Lord Elgin Park
25 Adams Drive
Ajax, ON L1S 5X2
Beside Lord Elgin Public School, West off Harwood Ave. South
South of Kingston Road, North of Hwy 401
1 Diamond
Miller's Creek Park
Westney Road, East Side
Ajax, ON L1T 5M4
401 to Westney Rd North, past one set of lights, hydro transformer on right is entrance to parking lot, ball diamond across creek.
North & South Diamonds
Roland Michener Park
95 Ritchie Ave
Ajax, ON L1S 6S2
Beside Roland Michener Public School, South side
East off Westney Road South, one block South of Kingston Road
1 Diamond

15-75 Bayly Street
Suite 253
Ajax, Ontario, L1S 7K7